Applications Developer
- Our 58-week Applications Developer diploma program includes an 8-week internship for valuable real-world experience
- Prepare to write a combination of certification exams that will lead to key industry designations
- The employment outlook in this sector remains strong with a median salary of $38.46 per hour (Canada Job Bank, NOC 2174)
Our Application Developer diploma program allows you to focus on one of four specialties: Mobile Web Specialist, Mobile Specialist, Enterprise Mobile Specialist or Enterprise Web Specialist. You will train on Adobe CS, HTML5/CSS, C#, Java, SQL, Android/Kotlin, JavaScript, PHP, ASP.NET, iOS/Swift and Python development. You will also be eligible to write the exams leading to designations in Oracle Certified Associate (OCA), Adobe Certified Associate (ACA), Associate Android Developer (AAD), Mobile Web Specialist (MWS) and PCEP and PCAP Python Programmer (PYTH). Graduate with the skills, knowledge and portfolio to pursue opportunities as a web programmer, application programmer, internet site designer, iPhone programmer, Android programmer and more!
Get in touch with us today to find out how quickly triOS College can put you on a whole new career path!
- Our focus on high-demand, relevant skills allows you to graduate quickly, in months rather than years.
- Our financial advisors will introduce you to your financing options and help you find the one that suits you best.
- Our extensive career services include employment workshops, mock job interviews, resume writing assistance, job search and networking tips and more.